Sunday, January 31, 2010

More Patterned Paper

In an earlier post, I showed two cards inspired by Alison Manning over at New England Stamper, and her blog entry 5 Ways to Use Patterned Paper.   Here is another:

Best Wishes

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Second Chance

Isn't it wonderful that we are continually given another chance? Don't waste it!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

As If

One of my many email subscriptions is to a message service called Inspiration Peak ( A few times a week, I receive an inspirational quotation. A recent message was from Norman Vincent Peale, author of the old chestnut The Power of Positive Thinking.

Sorry, I don't know who makes the cactus and buffalo stamps. They're from one of the first sets I ever bought (foam mounted), and I brought them along because they fit the Southwest theme here in Palm Springs. Hmmm. Maybe the set is called The Southwest.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Let There Be Love

I love to walk the golf course where we are staying in Palm Desert. With my MP3 player, I can walk 9 holes in about an hour, as long as I watch out for the golfers and don't sing too loud. One day last week I fell in love with these old lyrics by Ian Grant. First recorded by Nat King Cole in the 1940's, they have been sung by many artists since then.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


My next attempt was inspired by Susan Raihala's blog, Simplicity, and her New Year's entry.( In her entry, she describes the idea of choosing a word for 2010. This word would become my personal "theme" for the year. She got me thinking about it anyway, and it inspired this journal page.

I have chosen Optimistic, or maybe I should say that it has chosen me, because I haven't come up with anything better.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Don't Worry

I have limited art supplies with me in Palm Springs - two sets of golf clubs in the trunk don't leave much room! So, squeezed into a small box is a 4" x 6" art journal, some watercolor pencils and crayons, a gel pen and and a few stamps. (There are stores here, right?)

On an outing to the mall, I got inspired by a book called Journal Bliss (, and here's one of my first attempts at drawing my own faces.
Please excuse the photo imperfections, including the fingers holding the journal open.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Beep Beep!

Mr. Roadrunner

Greetings from Palm Springs! I know, it has been awhile, and for that I apologize (if anyone noticed LOL). I'm enjoying some warm, dry weather and a break from the routine of home. I am counting my blessings every day.

I'm here with an old laptop and without a scanner, but I do have a camera, so here's a couple of pictures for now. No PhotoShop on this old beast either, I'm afraid.

Sunset from the condo

My sister Dianne has encouraged me to post some pictures of my art journals, which I have been sharing with her during our YIM chats. So stay tuned!