Wednesday, July 30, 2014

ICAD #66 & 67

July is coming to a close and I still have a few index cards left.  Anyone who is counting will notice that I've done more than one a day since June 1.  I do want to use them all up so I better get crackin'!


Stamped Mandala
Stamps by Kelly Panacci

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Monday, July 28, 2014

ICAD Project "Rocks My World"

In the words of Tammy at Daisy Yellow, the originator of the ICAD Project, this project really has "rocked my world". Loyal followers of my blog will know that I have about a dozen journals on the go at any one time.  I always seem to need another type or size of paper and so I start a new one.

Some of these journals are handmade with stitched bindings, some made with my Bind-It-All, and some are purchased.  I've tried journaling in old books and I have one journal with black paper.  I have small ones to take travelling and larger ones for home use.  I have several that are 5 1/2" x 8" as I often drift back to that size.  I have journals with watercolor paper, mixed media paper, lined paper, graph paper, scrapbook paper and acrylic painted paper.  You get the idea LOL.

This plethora of journals bothers me.  I'd love to have a neat, clean journalling practice that chronicals my life.  Once in awhile I do actually finish a journal, but with so many on the go, it takes awhile!

Over the last year, I have toyed with the idea of journaling on loose paper, and then binding as I gather a stack.  I thought that this approach would address my various paper requirements as well as get them  bound in chronological order.  It was size that threw this plan off-track.  I couldn't decide what size to use and so I cut up some paper in four sizes.  None of them got used and I continued working in the journals I had on the go.  And of course, I started a few more.

Enter Index Card a Day, courtesy of Tammy at Daisy Yellow.  I had a near-new package of 5" x 8" index cards I was dying to use up (yay!).  They're a little bigger than Tammy recommends but I didn't think she'd mind.

Many times as I did my daily index card, I'd get frustrated by the paper quality.  They curled and wrinkled when I got them wet.  But there were so many advantages that I kept at it.  I wasn't afraid of ruining a "good" journal and I didn't worry that my cards had to be "finished".  This was incredibly freeing.  I found myself doing all the experiments I had always read an art journal should contain. I even got out my sewing machine!  And I loved writing about the media I used on the back for later reference.  How nice that I didn't have to squeeze it on the front somewhere!

One thing that didn't frustrate me was size.  I found that being restricted by the size of the index card gave me one less thing to think about.  Some restrictions, I learned, are a good thing.  Too many decisions and I get paralyzed.

Over the two months of the project, I found that my index cards could be grouped into two distinct types:  experiments with all the media I read about, and drawing, mostly from real life.  So I think that the project has resolved my journalling dilemna.  For experiments and multi-media artwork I will work on loose pages of 5 1/2" x 8", and I'll pick the appropriate paper for the project.   If I decide to use some of them to cut into cards, ATC's or bookmarks I can do that, and maybe even frame them if I want them on my wall! I'll probably use my Bind-It-All to bind the rest up into a journal when I have a stack of them.

For drawing, I will work in a stitched journal, likely on watercolor paper so that I can add watercolor.  (The stitching will allow me to do a more seamless double spread.)  This book will be in chronilogical order, of course.

Just one BIG question remains:  Do I have to use up all of those journals I have on the go?

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Dentist Stash

I have an unreasonable fear of the dentist.  But I do get free stuff. LOL

Fountain Pen

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Artist Trading Cards

Summer Wheat
Stamp by Hero Arts
Alcohol Ink

Prickly Branches
Stamp by Stampscapes
Alcohol Ink

I'm off to the Vancouver Artist Trading Card swap today.  What fun!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Sunshine on Scotland Street

I just finished reading Sunshine on Scotland Street by Alexander McCall Smith.  His books make me smile. Some light philosophy, common sense, and fun.  Almost like a good children's book.

Iain McIntosh illustrated all of the Scotland Street books delightfully, including the cover of this one.  My apologies to Mr. McIntosh for this copy, but I'll remember the book fondly, especially by drawing the cover!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Heat Wave!

Watercolor Pencil Crayons

We're having a heat wave here in Vancouver.  My upstairs office/studio is unbearable for much of the day.  I can sit in the garden and draw in my sketchbook, though!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Monday, July 14, 2014

Hot Glue Gun Stencils

Everyone's doing it, so I thought I'd try too.  Easy and fun!  ICAD's coming soon LOL

Saturday, July 12, 2014

ICAD #43 - Positive and Negative Space

Another Drawing Exercise from Dreaming from the Journal Page, by Melanie Testa

Friday, July 11, 2014

ICAD #42 - Strawberries and Cherries

Watercolor Sketch

This is a double technique challenge from Melanie Testa's book Dreaming from the Journal Page.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

ICAD #39 - #41 - Drawing

Books I'm Reading

Drawing Exercise from Melanie Testa's Book Dreaming From the Journal Page

Pineapple Tea Box Drawing with Gouache

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

ICAD #37 - What I'm Reading


I think that this will become a regular part of my sketchbook routine.  I read a lot and so if I'm documenting my life in sketchbook, I should draw my books!  This ICAD project is helping me work out my very confused thoughts on journaling. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

ICAD #35 & #36 - Color Wheels

A useful ICAD exercise - color wheels made from just three primary colors, in watercolor and gouache.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

ICAD #32 - Blind Gelato Goes Walking

I enjoyed taking a black gelato for a blind walk so much that I did it again.  I just love finger painting with my gelatos!  I love it so much that I've gessoed two more index cards ready for more.  (Gelatos move so much easier on gesso).

My sister, Dianne, thinks this is a man taking a shower.  How does she do that?  She sees so much I don't.....

Friday, July 4, 2014

I Thought I Had a Plan

It started as an experiment.  I wanted to do a bit of "composing" my alcohol inks, rather than dabbing the ink all over in a background pattern.  Then, I thought, I'd cut them into Artist Trading Cards and stamp on top of them.  That was the plan.

But now, some of these seem too nice to cut up and too nice to stamp on.  Some of them seem to stand alone somehow.  Greeting cards?  (Sorry about the camera glare, the alcohol inks need glossy paper.)

In the first, my sister, Dianne, saw birch trees:

 Here's a sky over grass:

Waves on a rocky shore:

Flowers over a field:

Waves at sunset:

Not sure about this one, maybe cut this into ATC's:

I'm not sure about this one either:

"Sittin' on the dock of the bay", well OK, under it:

What do you think?  Any ideas about what I should do with these?