Layered Gelatos on Oil Painting Paper
You would think I'd get tired of layering Gelatos, but not yet! I'm not sure why this medium/technique has taken hold of me the way it has, other than it is easy, fast, and I love moving the Gelatos around with my fingers. The Stabilo pencil draws easily on top.
The first layer (orange and ochre) is a combination of finger painting and dripping. The subsequent layers are done with a brush. This one has more layers and took longer to do, because I originally had some red and melon on it which I covered up with more blue and green. It is surprising to me how well the Gelatos cover.
That's how I discovered this process initially. It was an experiment to see how well the Gelatos would cover. I think that I will be much more experimental in the future, and that is definitely a good thing. I have lacked confidence in the past, preferring to follow a tried and true process from more experienced artists. Maybe this is part of what appeals to me about this process: the mere fact that I discovered it for myself.
So, I guess I learned a larger lesson than just how to layer Gelatos. A lesson about experimentation and ultimately about fear. I have often read, "It's only paper, right?" I understood this rhetorical question intellectually, but understanding something intellectually isn't the same as overcoming the fear of making a mistake, of ruining a piece. As I get older I realize that real learning only comes with making mistakes. And if I don't try new things I'll never make mistakes, will I?