Although I love to play with art supplies, my time is usually a learning experience as well. Recently I tried out some new (to me) approaches to gelli printing, and learned a few lessons.
I worked on a dozen prints at once with just a few tools, allowing me to work in a my small space with the 8 x 10 gelli plate. I reworked some of my older prints too, so that I didn't end up with another bunch of new prints without an end game in mind.
Mostly I used a brush rather than a brayer to apply the paint, and I didn't mix the colors completely together. This resulted in much more texture. My favorite "stencil" is still sequin waste, and here I also used textured wallpaper. The black dots are just the end of the paint tube.
Often I printed just part of the plate, as you can see here with the black:
I drew in the paint too:
I managed to silence my inner critic, remembering that different prints are good for different things. Here, I lightened up some overly dark prints with some white paint so that I can stamp on them in black:
Some of these will be used for collage, some for handmade books, and some for artist trading cards or greeting cards.