Monday, June 29, 2020

Taking a Line For a Walk

Taking a walk is good for the soul - outside in the fresh air or inside in my journal! 

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Just Plain Fun

This week I added tassles to my books and began to play with lettering and doodling.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Art Sparks!

I've been busy this week with the latest class from Joanne Sharpe, Art Sparks!  It is so much fun and a great bargain at $14.95 US.  You can watch the preview video here.

I've made these 4 tiny books ready to fill up with more sparks.  The inside pages are all painted, ready for lettering and doodling.

Will I be able to resist the next class due out in July?

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Letting Watercolour Do Its Thing

DeSerres Fabriano Mixed Media Paper in 16 Page Journal

This is the title page of the journal I finished recently.  One of my favorite things is letting watercolour mix and mingle without interference from me.  We'll be doing lots of that in Joanne Sharpe's latest class "Art Sparks", which started yesterday. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Grocery Shopping

Journal Page, Deserres Fabriano Mixed Media Paper
Watercolour Pencils
I drew this from a photo I snapped in the parking lot.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Family History

Journal Page, Deserres Fabriano Mixed Media Paper
Watercolour Pencils
On rainy days I can often be found for some part of the day working at my desk on my family tree. 

Sunday, June 7, 2020

On My Walk

Journal Page, Deserres Fabriano Mixed Media paper
Watercolor Pencils

On nice days I usually include a walk as part of my daily exercise.  Thanks to the GLA:D arthritis program I'm able to enjoy a walk again, and I'm slowly increasing my time.   Sometimes my walk inspires a drawing.

Saturday, June 6, 2020


Yes, quarantinezines are a thing, and of course, an Instagram hashtag.  A quarantinezine is a zine (homemade magazine) people are making during quarantine.  My zine is about the Silver Linings I am finding in the Covid cloud.

I made mine for my "card partner", Lois.  The Westcoast Calligraphy Society June program challenged us to make a card from a sheet of calligraphy practice, and assigned us a card partner to send our card to.  You can see my orange warm-up strokes in the two pictures above, and I practiced writing Lois' name before I folded the zine.  After it was folded, I added the silver linings in criss-cross capitals and script.  I included some drawings and couldn't resist the silver foil.

A zine is an 8 page book made from any size of paper, but often made from letter sized paper - simple copy/computer paper. 

Here is some more information on zines along with some simple instructions on how to fold a zine.  Of course there are YouTube videos available.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Golden Mean Works!

Watercolor, Traveler's Notebook
This journal page started with a not very good watercolor of some tacos, the #stillherestilllife challenge for Week 8.  I didn't know what to do with the rest of the page, when I stumbled upon an outstanding lesson on the Golden Mean.  Applying this concept of composition definitely saved this page.

Anyone who has studied art is familiar with the "rule of thirds", which is a rough approximation of The Golden Mean.  Lindsay's explanation, which includes several good examples for journal and book page layouts has given me a template to play with in all my journals!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Pajama Patterns

These pajamas aren't going to last forever, and I'll miss this pattern when they're gone!