Saturday, March 27, 2021

The Last Truck?


This might be the last of the trucks for awhile, but they'll likely be back sometime.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Zoom Friends


It was just pure fun at the Westcoast Calligraphy Meeting the other night.  Wendy provided some new ideas for Writing Between the Lines.  Her presentation included lots of great examples from our own website, as well as some inspirational other sources.

It was inspired by the work of Rena Askey.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

A Few More Trucks


Apparently I've been distracted by Flat Brush Flowers and genealogy, but there are a few more trucks lurking around my office.

This one might end up in a frame someday.

Thursday, March 11, 2021



It's a little early for gladiolas, but come August, I'll be ready! LOL  We're having more fun in Flat Brush Flowers.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Hot Press Watercolour Paper


5" x 7", Watercolour
Arches Hot Press

I haven't used hot press watercolour paper before, but it is lovely to draw on.  The Tombow marker lines don't melt away as nicely as they did on the Canson XL paper, though.  I'll have to try a different brand (or newer Arches) to know whether this is just this particular paper or whether it is a feature of hot press.

There is lots more paper in the cupboard to try out and a trip to the art supply store might be in order. One can never have enough paper, right??

Friday, March 5, 2021

Trying Different Watercolour Papers


6" x 9", Watercolour
Canson XL Watercolour Paper

I usually draw and paint on mixed media paper - I like the smooth surface for drawing on.  For framing, though, I need something a little heavier, so I've been trying different papers.  I did this on the wrong side of the paper because it is actually a little smoother.  It was fine to draw on.

Thursday, March 4, 2021



 The bottlebrush bush or tree, native to Australia, is a new flower to me.  We're in Fabulous Flat Brush Watercolour 3 now, and still learning new things!

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Going a Bit Larger


My husband wants some trucks to frame, so I'm experimenting with a larger format.  This sketch is 7" x 10".